
Yi ti game of thrones
Yi ti game of thrones

The city of Asabhad is located at the western boundary of Yi Ti near the Bone Mountains and the Jade Gates. Known cities in Yi Ti include Yin and Jinqi, along the Jade Sea coast, and Tiqui further to the north near the Great Sand Sea.

yi ti game of thrones

Rumors have it that basilisks roam the jungles of Yi Ti. The land of Yi Ti has thick, green patchwork farmland and a verdant rainforest.

yi ti game of thrones

Lomas Longstrider called Yi Ti "the land of a thousand gods and a hundred princes, ruled by one god-emperor." The power of the God-Emperor has since fallen and extends no further than the walls of his own city, but the hundred princes rule their own realms as they see fit, as do the brigands, priest-kings, sorcerers, warlords, imperial generals, and tax collectors outside their domains. Maester Yandel speculates the YiTish civilization was contemporary with the realm of the Fisher Queens, whereas the YiTish priests insist that mankind's first towns and cities arose along the shores of the Jade Sea, dismissing the rival claims of the Sarnori and Ghiscari as the boasts of savages and children. The realm of the YiTish civilization is known as the Golden Empire of Yi Ti, which was, according to legend, preceded by the Great Empire of the Dawn. In the Common Tongue, things relating to Yi Ti are known as "YiTish". Located east of Yi Ti are the Mountains of the Morn, the Shadow Lands, and Asshai. North of Yi Ti are the Great Sand Sea, the Shrinking Sea, and the Bleeding Sea a great river runs south from the Bleeding Sea through Yi Ti to the Jade Sea. Nearby islands in the Jade Sea are Leng and the Isle of Whips.

yi ti game of thrones yi ti game of thrones

Yi Ti is a nation and region in Essos located east of Qarth and the Bone Mountains and bordered by the Jade Sea to the south. A YiTi man, by Douglas Wheatley for The World of Ice & Fire

Yi ti game of thrones